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Connect To Your Future Career with The Internet of Things

Published on: August 22, 2023

A hand is holding a smartphone that has an app open to secure a house

Connections. The bringing together of different people or ideas. The bridging of gaps. 

For good or bad, the internet has enabled people to connect in ways that previously hadn't been conceived. Whether it's bringing together people from across the world to chat about a shared interest, allowing family and friends to keep in touch or helping colleagues work together from different locations, going online allows people to accomplish things and reshape their world in a variety of ways. 

If the internet is a tool bringing people together, then what could happen if there was a way for people to connect with the tools, appliances and objects they use every day? That's the idea behind the Internet of Things. 


What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to objects or devices with sensors, cameras, software and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other networks. This can be something as simple as a security camera, mounted above your house, sending video to your phone or computer so you can monitor your property. It can also be something like a home thermostat system that carefully monitors your energy usage as well as outdoor weather and automatically makes updates to your home temperature to ensure your peak comfort.

Outside the home, factories or manufacturers may use IoT-connected devices to discover potential areas where efficiency or effectiveness can be improved. A car connected to the IoT can deliver important information to the manufacturer about how different safety features are functioning, or it can monitor the car's performance and let the driver know when maintenance is required.

Those are just a few of the ways that IoT can be utilized. Clearly, there are numerous benefits for consumers and for companies making IoT-connected products: they can potentially offer convenience, comfort and efficiency all while providing important data to product creators that will allow them to improve their products even more. The IoT offers a truly connected world, where simple acts like getting a drink of water from your IoT-connected faucet or finding a new route to work in your IoT-connected car can have a significant impact and potentially improve your quality of life. 


What Are The Opportunities in the IoT Field? 

While IoT is a relatively new area that is still evolving, there's no doubt that it will play a significant role in the future of business and technology. And as with just about every significant tech advance, IoT brings with it numerous career opportunities for talented individuals with drive and skill.

There currently are – and there will be many more – roles in the IoT for developers, cybersecurity experts, product engineers and more. Coders and developers, for example, are needed to create and refine the software being utilized in IoT devices. As IoT devices grow in function and sophistication, new programs will need to be made to ensure the devices are gathering and sharing the best and most accurate data while still delivering the best possible experience for users. Hardware designers will need to improve the sensors, cameras and other tools used in devices. Meanwhile, cyber security experts will need to be ready to implement safety measures to stop IoT devices from getting hacked. Other creative and enterprising individuals may even go further and come up with new ways for the IoT to impact our lives. 

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) will also play a significant role in the IoT. As our devices are used more frequently and gather more data about our habits and preference, machine learning algorithms will allow the devices to update their processes to better meet our preferences. A refrigerator connected to the IoT, for example, may learn to recognize when certain products are missing and could be trained to independently order refills and replacements from a designated retailer. Developers will need to be ready to implement and hone these algorithms so they truly benefit consumers and continue to function securely.  

Truly, the opportunities available in the IoT are endless.


Build a Career Shaping the Internet of Things  

You can prepare for a career working with the IoT by building a foundation of computer development knowledge at Husson University's School of Technology and Innovation. Earning your degree in Computer Information Systems (CIS) or Software Development will provide you with a strong overview of what goes into developing IoT products and how they are used, while our emphasis on hands-on learning will give you the confidence to apply your skills to the IoT career you've worked for.  

We invite you to request more info or apply to Husson today!

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