Student Insurance Information
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Undergraduate Students enrolled in 9 or more credit hours and Graduate students enrolled in 6 or more credit hours are automatically enrolled in the Student Health Insurance plan through Husson University unless a waiver providing proof of other qualifying insurance is presented.
Please note that this program is not available to students enrolled in online courses, non-Bangor campuses, or Extended Learning students.
Looking to learn more about your Husson Student Health Insurance? Click here. It will direct you to the WellFleet Student Health Insurance website, where you can view or do any of the following things:
- Online Student Health Brochure
- Preferred Provider Network
- Participating Pharmacy Network
- Prescription Reimbursement Claim Form
- ID Card Request
- Claim Inquiry/Satisfaction Survey
- Dental Insurance
- F.A.Q.
To print off your student health insurance, click here.