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Reporting a Crime

Reporting of Criminal Action or Emergencies

The Department of Safety & Security is responsible in conjunction with local law enforcement for responding to campus emergencies and criminal investigations. The Safety & Security office is located in Peabody Hall across from the Mary McDonald Bookstore. To report a crime, campus community members may contact Safety & Security on campus at extension 7911 or from off-campus at 207-941-7911. Safety and Security may also be reached through the mobile safety app “EagleSafe.” EagleSafe can also accommodate anonymous reporting for those who wish to report concerning behavior in a discrete manner. Located outside of the Safety & Security office is a direct-dial phone that may be utilized to contact the security officer on patrol. In the event of an emergency and the security officer on duty is not immediately available, local 911 emergency services should be contacted.

To download the EagleSafe app for iOS and Android follow this link.


Crime Reporting Procedures

The Department of Safety and Security reports crime statistics under the criteria set forth by the Higher Education Act of 1998 as amended. Husson University utilizes the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting definitions for the purposes of accurate reporting.

For more information

Phone and Email Address
Safety and Security Safety and Security

106 Peabody Hall
1 College Circle
Bangor, Maine 04401