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CLOSED: Husson University’s campus will be closed on Thursday, Feb. 13. In-person classes are canceled. Please reach out to professors directly with questions.

Only essential employees should report to campus. Please be mindful of crews working to prepare the campus for reopening. More information will be shared by email.

An aerial view of the Husson University campus

Parking Rules and Regulations

Welcome. We have good news! Husson University no longer charges a separate fee for parking and no longer requires a decal.

Students, Faculty, or Staff who wish to bring a vehicle on campus must simply register the vehicle with Safety & Security at the following web link:   

Failing to register your vehicle is a violation of our parking rules.  Knowing who a vehicle belongs to helps us to maintain order and assists in locating an owner during snow removal efforts, which saves you money in fines and tow bills.  

If you are a commuter and live in a household where you drive one of several vehicles, you may add more than one vehicle to your registration profile.  

There are seven basic rules to follow which help to organize the limited parking on campus.  Just follow the following rules to avoid getting ticketed: 

  1. Don't park in a Handicapped or Admissions Parking.  Handicap parkers must display valid handicap placard or plate while utilizing handicapped parking spaces.
  2. Don't park in a Fire Lane.
  3. Park only on paved parking spaces. Don't park on lawn or mud.
  4. Observe the 20 mph speed limit on College Circle and the 15 mph speed limit near the resident halls.
  5. Don't park in No Parking Zones or on the diagonal hash marks.
  6. If a visitor vehicle is on Campus for more than 2 hours, a temporary pass is required.
  7. Vehicles may not be parked in the lots posted for NO OVERNIGHT PARKING between 11:30 PM and 5:00 AM.

*****Repeat violators (3 or more) or vehicles that are in violation of parking rules (e.g, illegally parked in a handicap spot, fire lane violation, parked on the grass) not registered with us may be towed off-campus.


To view the parking map, please click here.

Visitor passes are available through both the RD/RAs and the Security Office.


Citation Appeals

Students who would like to file an appeal can do it by clicking here.

Please note: All appeals must be registered within 15 days of citation issuance.

Parking questions can be directed toward any security officer.

For more information

Phone and Email Address
Safety and Security Safety and Security

106 Peabody Hall
1 College Circle
Bangor, Maine 04401