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IT'S ON US - Campaign for Prevention of Sexual Assault
We live in a time of dramatic cultural and social change, and as our society has become more aware of our shared responsibility to promote the well-being and happiness of its citizens, we better understand our role in preventing violence and creating a safe environment.
As part of this effort, Husson University is joining IT'S ON US, a national campaign through Generation Progress, Center for American Progress, to support the idea that it is up to all of us to help prevent sexual assault.
So, what is IT'S ON US?
IT'S ON US Campaign Mission Statement
IT'S ON US is a cultural movement aimed at fundamentally shifting the way we think about sexual assault.
IT'S ON US is a rallying cry inviting everyone to step up and realize that the solution begins with us. It's a declaration that sexual assault is not only a crime committed by a perpetrator against a victim but a societal problem in which all of us have a role to play. We are reframing sexual assault in a way that inspires everyone to see it as their responsibility to do something, big or small, to prevent it. We are asking everyone to create an environment, be it a dorm room, a party, a club or a sports team, or the greater college campus, where sexual assault is unacceptable and survivors are supported.
Raising awareness. Holding ourselves and each other accountable. Looking out for someone who cannot consent.
IT'S ON US. All of us.
For information on the campaign, or to take the national online pledge for IT'S ON US, please visit www.itsonus.org.
For information on Husson University's Title IX policy on the prevention of sexual assault, visit our webpage here.