Student Status Classification
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Degree Status
Students in this category are those enrolled in doctorate, master or bachelor degree programs. Undergraduate degree status students are eligible for financial aid. Degree students may defer their declaration of a major until the end of the first year.
Non-degree Status
Students in this category are pursuing courses for personal enrichment, professional certification, or to fulfill prerequisites at other institutions. Non-degree status students are not eligible for financial aid.
Special Status
Students in this category may have specific academic needs and may not meet the University admissions requirements. They will be assigned an advisor who will monitor their progress. Special students in good academic standing may apply for admission to a degree program. It should be noted that students taking courses without regard to a future academic major may take courses that are not transferable for degree credit. It is to a student's advantage to declare a degree objective as soon as is practical. As a guideline, a decision should be made after (24) credit hours have been successfully completed. Special status students are not eligible for financial aid.
Conditional Status
Students in this category are those considered to have academic deficiencies, for which a longer time may be required than is shown in the catalog to complete degree requirements. For those students, an individual academic plan may include a reduced course load. Conditional status students are eligible for financial aid.