Nursing Admissions Requirements
PLEASE NOTE: All entering Nursing students must submit their tuition deposit by May 1 in order to be guaranteed a seat in the incoming class. After May 1, all accepted Nursing students will be considered on a space availability basis.
Admissions Policies for Undergraduate Nursing Program
The admissions requirements for the Undergraduate Nursing Program include:
- Graduation from an approved high school or credentials indicating equivalent preparation.
- High school average of at least 86 (GPA 3.0)
- Completion of the following high school subjects with a grade of B or better
- Four years of English
- Two years of mathematics, including algebra 1 and 2
- Two years of science including biology and chemistry
- Health care provider examination and current immunization record
- Meet essential qualifications
Students who do not meet the admissions criteria for the Nursing Program may apply for undeclared status and submit a Change of Major request at the end of the first academic year. It is recommended that students take courses from the freshman level program of study. There are a limited number of positions for change of major students and there is no guarantee of admission.
Essential Qualifications Policy
Students in the nursing program must possess the essential qualifications to perform the skills and behaviors required of a professional nurse. Therefore, all nursing students must possess the following essential qualifications to meet admission, progression, and graduation requirements:
- See, hear, touch, smell, and distinguish colors when assessing patients
- Communicate orally and in writing with clarity, accuracy, and timeliness
- Express own ideas and feelings clearly and demonstrate a willingness and ability to give and receive feedback
- Possess motor skills sufficient to perform the full range of required client care activities in a safe and effective manner
- Provide patient care to all patient populations in all settings
- Evaluate and apply information and engage in critical thinking in the classroom and clinical setting
- Demonstrate emotional stability to function effectively under stress and to adapt to a rapidly changing environment
- Maintain mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with patients, faculty, staff and other professionals
- Possess attributes that include compassion, empathy, altruism, integrity, honesty, responsibility, and tolerance
- Meet legal and ethical requirements of any clinical site including background check
Change of Major to Undergraduate Nursing Program
Students may apply for a change of major after completing two semesters of academic work. To be considered for internal transfer students must have a GPA of at least 3.3. Students interested in the nursing major must submit a Change of Major form along with an essay that describes their rationale for selecting the profession of nursing and the potential strengths they would bring to the profession. The change of major process is competitive and students with the highest potential for success are selected. Admission is based on space available. An interview may be required. Students must meet the Essential Qualifications.
External Transfers to the Nursing Undergraduate Nursing Program
To be considered for external transfer, applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.3. Applicants must submit an essay that describes their rationale for selecting the profession of nursing and the potential strengths they would bring to the profession. Two references from professors and/or employers are required. For transfer credit, each course must be approved as comparable to courses offered by Husson University and the Nursing Program. Grades of C or above (C+ or above for core science and nursing courses) will be considered for transfer credit. Applicants must meet the Essential Qualifications Standard.
Criteria for Progression in the Undergraduate Nursing Program
To progress within the nursing program the student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a minimum grade of C+ in all nursing and science courses. A student who fails either a nursing didactic course or its associated clinical must repeat both. A student who receives less than a C+ in any nursing or science course may repeat the course only one time. A grade of less than C+ for the repeat course will result in dismissal from the program. A student who receives grades less than C+ in two nursing or science courses in one semester is dismissed from the program.
A student who fails a total of two core science or nursing courses at any point in the curriculum will be dismissed from the program. An exception for freshman students who fail two core courses in the first semester will be evaluated on an individual basis for possible progression in the program.
At the completion of each semester (in January and May), all nursing students' records are reviewed for compliance with the progression criteria. Students who do not meet the criteria are notified of probationary status, progression and/or dismissal. Students must continue to meet the Essential Requirements standard.
The applicant must have the following official records sent to the Husson University Admissions Office before being considered for admission:
- High school transcript.
- College transcript, if applicable, or transcript from any other schools attended.
- Please note: Husson University is test optional and will not require the submission of SAT or ACT scores to apply for admission.
- One reference from a teacher and/or employer.
Please click here to go to the Husson Undergraduate Programs Admissions Application.