Graduate and Online
Husson University is test optional and will not require the submission of SAT or ACT scores to apply for admission.
Q: How will Husson University know if I want my test scores included as part of my application for admission?
A: On the Husson University Common Application you’ll find a question asking for your selection of your “preferred testing plan.” The question states:
Husson does not require submission of SAT or ACT scores to apply for admission. You can submit your scores if you choose to. Do you plan to submit your SAT/ACT scores?
If you will be submitting your test scores select:
- Yes, I would like my SAT/ACT scores to be considered as part of my application. I understand that my application will not be reviewed until official test scores are received.
If you don’t plan to submit your test scores and you are not applying to nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy programs or are not a homeschool student please select the following answer:
- No, I do not want my SAT/ACT scores to be considered as part of my application.
Q: If I chose not to share my standardized test scores are there additional requirements?
A: There are no additional admission requirements if you choose not to submit test scores.
Q: What if my test scores have already been sent to Husson?
A: If your answer to the preferred testing plan question was that you do not wish to have your test scores included, they will not be considered as part of your application review.
Q: Can I change my mind after I submit my application?
A: You cannot change whether you are applying test-optional or submitting your standardized test scores once your application is submitted.
Q: How do I know if I should submit my test scores?
A: The choice of whether to submit your standardized test scores is yours. Consider the following when making your decision:
- Do the test scores accurately reflect my academic abilities?
- Does my high school GPA accurately reflect my academic abilities?
- How do I feel about the test scores?
Husson's rolling admission program allows applications to be reviewed as soon as they are complete. Applications are accepted for consideration for either the September or January semester. There is a $40 application fee.
All applicants should have copies of their transcripts sent to the Admissions Office as soon as possible after applying for admission. Admission is competitive and applicants to the first year of college study are admitted on the strength of their secondary school curriculum, grade-point average, class rank and counselor recommendations. Completion of college preparatory courses at the secondary level with a "C" or better, or its equivalent, is recommended. This includes four years of English, two years of math, (preferably algebra and geometry), two sciences, social studies, and other elective college preparatory courses. Students whose high school transcripts show limited academic performance may be accepted on a conditional basis if they have a favorable recommendation from a high school guidance counselor or principal and show evidence of potential for success. Transfer students are welcome and must present transcripts of their high school and college records. Transfer applicants should be in good academic standing and generally need a grade-point average of at least 2.0 to be considered for admission. To be considered for admission, an applicant should do the following:
- Apply for admission by following this link.
- Submit an official high school transcript or GED scores
- Husson University is test-optional and will not require the submission of SAT or ACT scores to apply for admission. Please click the link below for additional information.Please see the admissions requirements for additional information.
- Forward to the Admissions Office official transcript(s) from any college(s) which the applicant attended.
- One recommendation from a guidance counselor, teacher, employer, or non-family member.
- Application Essay (recommendation is 250-300 words on a topic of your choice).
All applicants should see the admissions policies information associated with their desired program. These can be found under Undergraduate/Professional Admissions Policies.
For International Student Requirements, follow this link.
Husson University does not discriminate or permit discrimination by any member of its community against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, citizenship, or veteran status in matters of admissions, employment, housing, or services or in the educational programs or activities it operates. The University operates its programs so that, when viewed as a whole, they are accessible to handicapped persons. It is Husson's policy to ensure that no qualified student with a disability is denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any University program or activity.
**Due to the competitive nature of some of our programs such as Nursing and Physical Therapy, our preferred application deadline is January 1st. After this date, admission is based on a rolling/space available basis.**